В рамках еженедельного научно-исследовательского семинара по анализу, дифференциальным уравнениям и математической физике Регионального научно-образовательного математического центра ЮФУ 4 октября с 15:30 – 17:00 в ауд. 212 состоится лекция Joel E. Restrepo: Generalized Hölder type spaces of harmonic functions in the unit ball and half space.
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Regional mathematical center of Southern Federal University is pleased to invite you to the Seminar on analysis, differential equations and mathematical physics, which will be held on 4 October 2018 at 15:30 in the room 212.
The title of the lecture :
Generalized Hölder type spaces of harmonic functions in the unit ball and half space
Lecturer : Joel E. RESTREPO
Regional center of Southern Federal University (Russia)
Abstract: We study spaces of Hölder type functions harmonic in the unit ball and half space with some smoothness conditions up to the boundary. The first type is the Hölder type space of harmonic functions with prescribed modulus of continuity ω = ω(h), and the second is the variable exponent harmonic Hölder space with the corresponding modulus of continuity. We give a characterization of functions in these spaces in terms of the behavior of their derivatives near the boundary.
Карякин Михаил Игоревич