Заседание семинара РМЦ ЮФУ

Обновлено: 01.10.2018 16:23
Автор: Прозоров О.А.

В рамках еженедельного научно-​исследовательского семинара по анализу, дифференциальным уравнениям и математической физике Регионального научно-​образовательного математического центра ЮФУ 4 октября с 15:3017:00 в ауд. 212 состоится лекция Joel E. Restrepo: Gen­er­al­ized Hölder type spaces of har­monic func­tions in the unit ball and half space.

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Regional math­e­mat­i­cal cen­ter of South­ern Fed­eral Uni­ver­sity is pleased to invite you to the Sem­i­nar on analy­sis, dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions and math­e­mat­i­cal physics, which will be held on 4 Octo­ber 2018 at 15:30 in the room 212.

The title of the lecture :

Gen­er­al­ized Hölder type spaces of har­monic func­tions in the unit ball and half space

Lec­turer : Joel E. RESTREPO


Regional cen­ter of South­ern Fed­eral Uni­ver­sity (Russia)

Abstract: We study spaces of Hölder type func­tions har­monic in the unit ball and half space with some smooth­ness con­di­tions up to the bound­ary. The first type is the Hölder type space of har­monic func­tions with pre­scribed mod­u­lus of con­ti­nu­ity ω = ω(h), and the sec­ond is the vari­able expo­nent har­monic Hölder space with the cor­re­spond­ing mod­u­lus of con­ti­nu­ity. We give a char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of func­tions in these spaces in terms of the behav­ior of their deriv­a­tives near the boundary.

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Декан мехмата Карякин Михаил Игоревич
Карякин Михаил Игоревич

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