Regional mathematical center of Southern Federal University is pleased to invite you to the Seminar on analysis, differential equations and mathematical physics, which will be held on 29 November 2018 at 15 :30 in the room 212.
The title of the lecture: Representation and Classification of Homogeneous Polynomials in Vector Lattices. Lecturer: Z. A. Kusraeva. Regional mathematical center Southern Federal University
The report is devoted to the order properties of homogeneous polynomials in vector and Banach lattices. Despite the fact that the algebraic and linear-topological study of polynomials has a long history and is well represented in literature, the study of the properties of polynomials that depend on the interaction between the norm and the order relation has begun only recently. One of the central results states that each bounded orthogonally additive homogeneous polynomial defined on a vector lattice, under some additional assumptions, can be represented as the composition of a bounded linear operator and a special homogeneous polynomial which plays the role of the exponentiation absent in an arbitrary vector lattice. Applications of this fact are given to the problems of dominance and integral representation of homogeneous polynomials. Particular attention is paid to the problem of a complete description of disjointness preserving homogeneous polynomials. As an auxiliary tool, factorization of order bounded disjointness preserving multilinear operators is used.
Региональный научно-образовательный математический центр проводит еженедельный научно-исследовательский семинар по анализу, дифференциальным уравнениям и математической физике.
Время и место проведения: четверг 15:30 – 17:00, ауд. 212 мехмата ЮФУ.
29 ноября, в рамках семинара состоится лекция
Representation and Classification of Homogeneous Polynomials in Vector Lattices
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