Regional mathematical center of Southern Federal University is pleased to invite you to the Seminar on analysis, differential equations and mathematical physics, which will be held on 6 December 2018 at 15:30 in the room 212.
The title of the lecture: A right inverse of the operator rot + λI and applications.
Lecturer: Briceyda B. Delgado. Regional mathematical center of Southern Federal University
Abstract: In this talk a joint work with Dr. Vladislav Kravchenko will be presented.
The main result is to provide a general solution of the equation rotw + λw=g, where λ is an arbitrary non-zero complex number and g belongs to a certain class of integrable functions.
The result is based on the use of classical integral operators of quaternionic analysis as well as on the construction of metaharmonic conjugate functions. Applications of the main result are considered to the nonhomogeneous time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations.
Региональный научно-образовательный математический центр проводит еженедельный научно-исследовательский семинар по анализу, дифференциальным уравнениям и математической физике.
Время и место проведения: четверг 15:30 – 17:00, ауд. 212 мехмата ЮФУ.
6 декабря, в рамках семинара состоится лекция A right inverse of the operator rot + λI and applications.
Приглашаются преподаватели, научные сотрудники, аспиранты, студенты и все желающие.
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