
Автор: Колесников А.М.

Tenth Inter­na­tional Sci­en­tific Conference

«Mod­ern Meth­ods, Prob­lems and Appli­ca­tions of Oper­a­tor The­ory and Har­monic Analy­sis X».

Rostov-​on-​Don, 26 April — 01 May, 2020

Work­ing lan­guages: Eng­lish, Russian.

Arrival: April, 26st. Depar­ture: May, 01st.

Work­ing days of the con­fer­ence: 2730 of April 2020.

Dead­line for reg­is­tra­tion and for abstracts sub­mis­sion: 01 April, 2020.


Func­tional Analy­sis and Oper­a­tor The­ory;
Func­tion The­ory and Approx­i­ma­tion The­ory;
Dif­fer­en­tial Equa­tions and Math­e­mat­i­cal Physics (chair — Vladislav V. Kravchenko);
Haus­dorff Oper­a­tors and Related Top­ics (chair — Eli­jah Lifly­and);
Probability-​Analytical Mod­els and Meth­ods (chair — Igor V. Pavlov);
Com­plex and Hyper­com­plex Analy­sis (chair — Hel­muth R. Mal­onek);
Geo­met­ric Func­tion The­ory and Related Top­ics (chair– Mio­drag Matel­je­vić);
Bioin­for­mat­ics and Math­e­mat­i­cal Mod­el­ling (chair — Alexan­der V. Melerzanov).

WWW: http://​otha​.sfedu​.ru/​c​o​n​f​2020​/

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Декан мехмата Карякин Михаил Игоревич
Карякин Михаил Игоревич

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